
Mrs R Turbatu
Subject Leader
To embed an innovative, imaginative and rigorous curriculum which delivers the critical knowledge and skills required, for both English Language and English Literature
To ensure all abilities, regardless of KS2 starting points, develop an enthusiasm and passion for these subjects
To incorporate teaching and learning materials and resources which contribute to increasing the Cultural Capital of each individual child, regardless of social and economic background
To develop confidence and fluency in oral communication
To read fluently and with good understanding, both for meaning and for pleasure
To acquire a wide vocabulary and an understanding of grammatical and linguistic conventions
To appreciate our rich and varied literary heritage
To write clearly, accurately and coherently, both for a specific purpose and for pleasure
The English Department
Mrs J Afzal
Mrs S Butterworth
Ms S Beeley
Mrs S Heenan
Miss J Hughes
Miss H Jameel
Curriculum Overviews
Key Stage 3
Key Stage 4