‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And know that I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.’
The Great Commission.
The GIFT Team
GIFT stands for ‘Growing in Faith Together’. As a group we serve the community in many ways.
Our GIFT Team, led by pupils, is at the heart of the St Damian’s Community. Our pupils plan, organise, and shape the liturgical life of the school. Our mission statement ‘The St Damian’s Way’ calls us to live out our values and celebrate all aspects of school life. It offers us many opportunities to grow in our relationship with God and to help others to grow closer to God.
The GIFT team regularly prepare and lead Prayer and Liturgies with confidence and enthusiasm and are proud of our Faith Community.

The GIFT Team set up, serve and attend Mass and read the scripture. Our prayer life is reflective and spiritual and helps pupils to grow in the knowledge of the Faith and develop in their own personal faith.
Our GIFT Team pray the rosary at Rosary Club as well as lead liturgical activities during Lent and Advent. They help others learn how to talk to God in different ways, such as leading our LGBT+ ‘Image of God’ service.
Helping others to learn about God
The GIFT Team find out more about our role in society and share this with our forms and year groups. Pupils also learn more about God in our form-time reflections and in our assemblies and are able to express our own views and beliefs, whilst showing an openness and a tolerance of others. Most importantly, pupils respect and value the Catholic traditions of our school.
Serving others
Pupils are considerate and sensitive to the needs of others and take action to those help who are in need. The GIFT Team organise and take part in fundraising events in school, support CAFOD and other charities. They also assist with events during Lent, support St Damian’s Day and help raise awareness about the need to care for our environment.
We don’t have to do it all these activities alone, Jesus promises us He will be with us until the end of time. He sent us the Holy Spirit to equip us for this mission. The St Damian’s GIFT Team accept this challenge!
Hope in the Future Prayer
God our loving Father,
we thank you for blessing our parish and school communities
with all that we need to respond to our vocation
to be missionary disciples.
We ask you to pour out afresh the gifts of your Spirit
upon each one of us,
that we may be inspired to serve you in new and creative ways, bringing your light to the world.
We ask your blessing upon us as we journey together in hope through Christ Our Lord,