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Home School Agreement


The pupil


I will:

  • Abide by the Classroom rules, and the Correct Use of ICT Policy

  • Attend school regularly and on time.

  • Bring all the books and equipment that I need each day.

  • Move around school quietly and sensibly.

  • Wear the full school uniform correctly and be tidy in appearance.

  • Complete all class work, coursework and homework to the best of my ability.

  • Ensure my parents/carers receive all school communications.

  • Be polite, helpful and considerate to others.

  • Keep the school free from litter and graffiti; I will not deliberately abuse or damage school property.

  • Uphold the good name of St. Damian’s by behaving appropriately in all public places.





I will:

  • Support the Christian values of the school community.

  • Support the school’s policies and guidelines for behaviour, and the Correct Use of ICT.

  • Ensure that the school is notified in writing of any absences.

  • See that my child attends school regularly, on time and properly equipped.

  • Ensure that my child always wears the correct uniform.

  • Let the school know about any concerns or problems that might affect my child’s progress in school.

  • Support my child in homework and other aspects of home study.

  • Attend parents’ evenings and discussions about my child’s progress.

  • Get to know about my child’s life at school.

  • Arrange family holidays outside term time.



St Damian’s RC Science College



  • Create a supportive Christian environment where good relationships are encouraged.

  • Care for your child’s safety and happiness.

  • Ensure that your child achieves their full potential, as a valued member of our community.

  • Insist that pupils comply with the School code of Conduct, and Correct Use of ICT policy.

  • Provide a balanced curriculum to meet the individual needs of your child.

  • Achieve high standards of work and behaviour through building good relationships.

     and developing a sense of responsibility.

  • Deal effectively with bullying in line with the school’s existing Behaviour and Learning Ethos Policy.

  • Set homework and monitor it regularly.

  • Keep you informed about general school matters and about your child’s progress in particular.

  • Be open and welcoming at all times and offer opportunity for you to become involved in the daily life of the school.

  • Insist that children comply with school uniform requirements.

© 2024 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Telephone: 0161 330 5974

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


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