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Mrs Elizabeth Jones MBE


1938 - 2023

In loving memory and grateful thanks to a faithful servant of St Damian’s


'In omnibus fidelis'


‘Betty’ was our Chair of Governors and a lifelong friend of St Damian’s, spanning nearly 50 years. 


Under her leadership, St Damian’s have achieved great things.  She was instrumental in ensuring our school is the outstanding Catholic school it is today.  She was involved in the design of our new school building, and in St Damian’s achieving an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted grading. Betty has been an integral part of St Damian’s for many years, starting as Business Manager, and when she retired, becoming Chair of Governors.


Betty was a very humble person, nonetheless her efforts were recognised by others, and she was awarded...


         * The Queen’s Medal for Volunteering.

         * National Governor of the Year Award in 2021

         * In 2022 Betty was awarded an MBE for her ‘Services to Education’.

MBE Medal_edited.png

In 2022, our new ‘Elizabeth Jones MBE Literacy Hub’ was opened and dedicated to Betty as a lasting memorial of her outstanding stewardship of St Damian’s so present and future pupils can benefit from the amazing facilities it offers. In true St Damian’s spirit, she epitomised the ‘St Damian’s Way’; she achieved and was successful in everything she did,  something she would want us all to do, ‘Believe to Achieve’ and always be happy. 


Betty was a true role model to us all and her name will be forever associated with St Damian’s. 


Please remember Betty in your prayers.


© 2024 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Telephone: 0161 330 5974

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


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