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Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance

To develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to life in a rapidly changing world

Aims of the Careers Programme

St Damian’s believes that very learner should have opportunities to learn about the world of work, employ-ability skills and the personal qualities that are valued in the workplace in order to increase the self-confidence of pupils and raise aspirations. Pupils can then make informed choices about future careers and develop employ-ability skills.

The careers programme promotes equal opportunities and challenges stereotypical thinking and attitudes. It helps pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs to overcome any overt and/or hidden barriers to progress that they may encounter and ensures that all pupils receive appropriate information and guidance, especially at key decision and transition points.

High Quality Provision

St. Damian’s has achieved Stage 2 of the Quality in Careers Standard and is working towards the assessment for Stage 3 of the Award. The College is also working towards full implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that careers provision is of the highest quality for pupils.


The Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and higher education

  8. Personal guidance

Overview of the Careers Programme:


The CEIAG programme is made up of the following elements:

  • A planned programme of careers education across each Year Group (7-11) delivered through PSHE modules

  • Impartial careers advice and guidance from both in house and external sources

  • Opportunities to develop knowledge of the workplace and develop employ-ability skills

  • Provision of an extensive range of information about employment and education options including labour market information, entry requirements and progression routes

  • A one to one Careers interview in Year 11 and an action plan to discuss post 16 progression options

  • Targeted support for identified vulnerable pupils at risk of becoming NEET [Not in education employment or training] to discuss their post 16 options

  • The Post 16 Forum which includes information on apprenticeships takes place in the Autumn Term

  • The ASPIRE Day in July which invites a range of outside speakers to support the Careers Education programme

  • The tracking of pupil destinations data

  • A plan to meet the Gatsby Benchmarks by 2020 which is regularly evaluated and updated

Key Stage 3:

 By the end of this key stage, all pupils will have:

  • a better understanding of themselves (personal characteristics, abilities, interests, potential, weaknesses and limitations)

  • used careers materials to research information about opportunities, and used the information to help them make choices about post-14 courses and learning programmes

Key Stage 4:

By the end of this key stage, all pupils will have:

  • enhanced their self-knowledge, career management and other employ-ability skills

  • used the Careers resources to investigate future choices and explore alternative routes to their goals

  • accessed advice, guidance and support to help them firm up their choices and think about the implications

  • gained direct experience of work and been involved with local employers in at least three other locations

  • chosen and applied for an appropriate opportunity and, if necessary, financial support

  • alternative plans in place, in readiness to respond to outcomes in external examinations

One to One Careers Interviews

  • Pupils are entitled to appropriate guidance to meet their individual needs. All pupils at school can request an appointment with the careers adviser but, in practice, Years 9-11 are most likely to access the service

  • Pupils are identified for careers meetings based on need and through self-referral.

  • Our Careers Officer is Miss Patel, a qualified independent Careers Adviser from Positive Steps

Self-Referral for Careers Interviews

  • Pupils may refer themselves for a careers meeting at any point, directly via the careers office or via a Form Tutor, Head of Year, SLT. An appointment with the adviser will then be arranged. Pupils are made aware of the careers adviser through assemblies and via form tutors

  • The careers adviser will record action plans in the Middle Leaders folder / Careers. Pupils will receive a copy and parents and staff have the option to see this information so they can support the process

  • If a student is absent or fails to attend, an alternative time will be arranged

Careers Information

  • Careers information is available through relevant displays, information sent to form tutors, Twitter / Facebook and the school web-site

  • Careers Information can also be found in the Lower Library

External providers

  • A range of external providers are invited into school to support the careers programme. These might include local colleges, universities, training providers, apprenticeship organisations, employers, school alumni

  • In all cases, such staff and organisations will be vetted for suitability by the relevant staff at school

  • Further information is available in the Provider Access Policy on the school web-site


  • The school is committed to providing the resources to enable an effective careers programme, including adequate staffing, staff training and resources

Employer links

  • Links with employers, businesses and other external agencies will continue to grow through building on local community connections as well as through the support of the school's Enterprise Advisor

Equal Opportunities

  • The school is keen to promote equal opportunities, challenge stereotypes and address limiting beliefs

  • All pupils can access advice and guidance tailored to their needs with support to explore options that suit their preferences, skills and strengths

  • The year team works on early-identification of pupils requiring additional support, with no limit placed on how many times a pupil might see the careers adviser

  • The careers adviser works with the SENCO to support Education, Health and Care planning and the inclusion team to support pupils who may be facing other challenges

  • The destinations of school-leavers are monitored and trends identified

Further Information

Please contact Mr D Healey, Careers Leader, for more information:

© 2025 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


Telephone: 0161 330 5974
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