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Information for Teachers


Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance


To develop pupils’ knowledge, understanding and skills relevant to life in a rapidly changing world


Aims of the Careers Programme

St Damian’s believes that very learner should have opportunities to learn about the world of work, employability skills and the personal qualities that are valued in the workplace in order to increase the self-confidence of pupils and raise aspirations. Pupils can then make informed choices about future careers and develop employability skills.

The careers programme promotes equal opportunities and challenges stereotypical thinking and attitudes. It helps pupils, including disadvantaged pupils and pupils with special educational needs to overcome any overt and/or hidden barriers to progress that they may encounter and ensures that all pupils receive appropriate information and guidance, especially at key decision and transition points.


High Quality Provision

St. Damian’s has achieved Stage 2 of the Quality in Careers Standard and is working towards the assessment for Stage 3 of the Award. The College is also working towards full implementation of the Gatsby Benchmarks to ensure that careers provision is of the highest quality for pupils.


 The Gatsby Benchmarks are:

  1. A stable careers programme

  2. Learning from career and labour market information

  3. Addressing the needs of each pupil

  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers

  5. Encounters with employers and employees

  6. Experiences of workplaces

  7. Encounters with further and higher education

  8. Personal guidance


Careers Information of interest to teachers on the school web-site includes:

  • Overview of the Careers Programme

  • Parent Information

  • Pupil Information

  • Employer Information

  • PSHE Curriculum Information including careers modules


Further Information

Please contact Mr D Healey, Careers Leader, for more information:

© 2025 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


Telephone: 0161 330 5974
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