News & Attainments

Shortlisted for Tes School Awards 2024
We are delighted to announce that we have been shortlisted in the category of ‘Staff Wellbeing School of the Year’ at this years’ Tes School Awards.
The Tes Schools Awards recognises the very best teachers and schools from UK state and independent schools, across early years settings, primary and secondary.
An Outstanding Partnership
We have received a plaque from the University of Manchester ‘In recognition of the Excellent quality of its commitment, involvment and expertise as an Outstanding Established Partnership School for Initial Teacher Education’. Pictured are Mr Logue, Headteacher, Mrs Sutton, Professional Mentor and four members of staff who have been trainees at St Damian’s.
Goldsmiths’ Award for Community Engagement – FINALISTS
We are delighted to announce that St Damian’s have reached the national finals of the ‘Goldsmiths’ Awards for Community Engagement’.
The Goldsmiths' Company Community Engagement Awards ‘celebrate the outstanding contributions schools make to their local community’.
Award Winning Secondary School
We are absolutely delighted and honoured to announce that St Damian’s are winners of the Outstanding Progress in a Secondary School Award at this years Education Business Awards 2023.
This is such a splendid achievement as St Damian’s celebrate our 60th Anniversary this year.
WOW ‘Overall School of the Year’, and ‘Secondary School of the Year’ treble!
I am delighted to the share some tremendous news with you all. This year St Damain’s have won FIVE separate awards. This includes achieving an incredible ‘treble’ of being recognised as ‘Secondary School of the Year’ three times, at three separate awards ceremonies in one single year....
Award Winning Secondary School
We are absolutely delighted and honoured to announce that St Damian’s are winners of the Outstanding Progress in a Secondary School Award at this years Education Business Awards 2023.
This is such a splendid achievement as St Damian’s celebrate our 60th Anniversary this year.

Careers Excellence Award
Mr Logue and the St Damian’s community were delighted & exceptionally proud to welcome Mrs Henshaw with the Careers Excellence Award for ‘Most Progress from a School’