
Head Prefects 2024/25
Prefects are a distinguished role given to pupils who exemplify the highest standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times and provide a positive role model for other pupils. They are appointed each year to undertake various roles and responsibilities around school.
Prefects exhibit the personal qualities that are highly valued at St. Damian’s, including self-discipline, leadership skills, communication skills, politeness, helpfulness, respect and care for others. They are reliable and responsible members of St. Damian’s school community.
Pupils can apply for the position of Prefect during Term 3 of Year 10; and two more occasions during Year 11. The appointment process to become a prefect is rigorous and includes a letter of application, getting to the shortlist and then being successful at interview. We are very proud of our Prefect structure. The large number of pupils in each cohort who are successful in becoming a prefect, shows the high calibre of many of our pupils. There are many pupils who are exceptional role models and demonstrate an excellent attitude to learning. The four types of Prefect are:
Head Boy/Head Girl
Deputy Head Boy(s) and Deputy Head Girl(s)
Blue Tie – specific areas of responsibility and leadership​
Black Tie – general duties in and around school​
Prefects have a positive presence around school and in the wider community. They contribute to many aspects of school life and fully embrace our school ethos. Pupils selected for senior roles will have excelled throughout their school life consistently demonstrating:
An excellent attitude to learning
Exceptional academic progress
Pupil leadership
Contribution to school life
School prefects attend an induction session where they are given information on their roles and responsibilities and a chance to develop their understanding about different styles of leadership and the true meaning of teamwork. School prefects assist at Information Evenings, Parents’ Evenings and also assist the staff in carrying out lunchtime duties. During the school year, pupils attend team meeting to review the impact of their work.