SMSC - Spiritual, Moral, Social & Cultural

“The seed on good soil stands for those with a noble and good heart, who hear the word, retain it, and by persevering produce a crop.” Luke 8:15
As a fiercely proud Catholic School, we live and celebrate our Faith.

Our strong Catholic ethos permeates all aspects of school life
Our Religious Education curriculum offers knowledge and understanding which deepens our spirituality
Our pupils have opportunities to reflect on faith and beliefs through their own lens and this helps them to see through the ‘lens’ of others.
We take time to be still, silent and reflective using prayer, mindfulness and our own unique creativity
Our engaging currulum is delivered by inspiring, passionate teachers with a love and expertise in their chosen academic disciplines
Our Collective Worship, Assemblies, Form-time Reflection, Liturgical activites and Chapel assemblies promote spiritual growth.
Our time to debate and discuss life’s big questions strengthens our spirituality
Our Interfaith Breakfast and links with other faiths are strongly spiritual experiences
“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” John 13:34
We instil the value of respect.
We have 5 simple rules which teach us about right and wrong
We promote ‘Respect’ as a core value and develop a moral conscience
We teach about life choices and have healthy debate in PSHE and RSE and other subjects
We discuss moral & ethical issues to promote an awareness of our own and others’ viewpoints
We learn about forgiveness, restorative justice and conflict resolution
Our behaviour policy, with its rewards and sanctions, helps us understand the consequences of our actions
We openly discuss consent, healthy relationships, body image and sexuality
We work with outside agencies to provide pupils with the high-quality resources and expert guidance to overcome personal difficulties
“Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” Luke 6:20
We believe pupils build their confidence through working and socialising with others

We have pro-active pupils who demonstrate a range of leadership and teamwork skills
Our pupils understand and comply with the five British Values
Our pupils nominate and vote for form captains
Pupils put themselves forward for prefect applications and interviews
We involve external guest speakers in ASPIRE Days, St Damian’s Day & Careers events
We socialise with each other and celebrate the diversity of our school community and include others from different religions, ethnicities & social backgrounds
Our pupils enjoy social lunchtime activities such as Games club, Film club, and Craft club
Our pupils thrive in competitive sport, music, DofE, Debate Club and other extra-curricular activities
Pupils take part in a variety of learning activities such as group work, drama, dialogues and presentations

“For you are all one in Christ Jesus.” Galatians 3:28
We celebrate our diversity and nurture all for who they are.
St Damian’s Day helps pupils to understand, celebrate and appreciate the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
Our pupils mark significant cultural events: Armistice Day, National Holocaust Memorial Day, Diwali
Our pupils study slavery and Black History developing increased respect for diversity and equality
The study of other world religions and migration in RE enhances greater understanding of our global community
Our work on British Values increases acceptance and tolerance of other cultures