Summer Uniform
Guidance For Uniform In Hot Weather
Our Expectations
Pupils must wear correct uniform and adhere fully to the College uniform policy.
Pupils must ensure that individual items of school uniform are named.
In periods of hot weather the Headteacher will arrange for an announcement to be made to Implementation of the Hot Weather Uniform Protocol.
Before school; Pupils must wear full school uniform including blazer and jumper
In assembly; Pupils must wear full school uniform including blazer and jumper
In lesson;
- Pupils must wear their shirt (tucked in) and tie
- Pupils must ask the teacher for permission to remove their blazer and/or jumper
Between lessons; Pupils must wear full school uniform including blazer and jumper
At lunchtime
- Pupils will be allowed to remove their blazer and jumper at the start of lunchtime
Pupils will leave their blazers and jumpers in the classroom where they will attend period 5
Pupils must wear their shirt (tucked in) and ties
End of school day; Pupils must wear full school uniform including blazer and jumper