United in Faith Committee

Our ‘United in Faith Committee’ comprises of a range of stakeholders, including the Headteacher, RE staff, support staff, governors, pupils, and parents. Its core purpose is to actively promote the Liturgical Life of the college and uphold the Mission Statement. This includes ensuring that Leadership at all levels are fully committed to the ‘St Damian’s Way’, the Mission of St Damian’s as a Voluntary Aided College within the Catholic Church. In practise, this means developing, monitoring, and embedding a joyous prayer life and upholding the religious character of the college. The ‘United in Faith Committee’ embraces the ethos of the school to allow all aspects of our Catholic Mission to thrive.
The committee meets termly to monitor the Catholicity of the College, ensuring that Christ is at the centre. We work closely with the Salford Diocese and work in partnership with the local parishes and community.