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Welcome to our Virtual Open Event - 2021


Welcome, and thank you for joining us for our Virtual 'Online' Open Event. We hope that you are able to gain a feel for life at St Damian's R.C. Science College.

St Damian's is disappointed that this year we are unable to welcome families into our school community for our usual open evening. 

At St Damian's, we know as parents you want to 'see it for yourselves' and we know there is no substitute. However, by using our interactive map (above), you can virtually tour the College, this can be done by simply clicking the areas that you would like to visit to find out more, these are represented by a 'Gold' marker.

We understand the importance of hearing first-hand from our students and teachers at our Open Evening's, therefore we have produced a selection of videos which have been created just for you, our prospective families.


Please scroll down to find our Headteacher's Presentation from Mr Logue and scroll down further to watch our Pupil voice video's.

However, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to contact us via;

Headteacher's Presentation - Mr Logue

Headteachers Presentation 21
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Our Reports

Click the Image for full document
Copy of Diocese Of Salford Logo
Section 48 Report
Click the Image for full document

Our Head Prefects Presentation...

Open Evening Prefect Presentation
Play Video

Year 7 - Pupil Voice Video

Year 7 - First Impressions
Play Video

Take a look at our Prospectus

*To View all videos from around our school, please use a PC/Mac

Supplementary Form
Click the Image for full document
Other Important Information

Please see the links below to other parts of our website for further important information;

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