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Welcome to Year 10

Mrs S Forde - Head of Year

Year 10 is a really important and exciting year as your child begins their GCSE and BTEC courses, and already Year 10 have made an extremely positive start to their KS4 journey, building good relationships with teachers and peers and developing an excellent attitude to their studies.


To ensure your child reaches their full potential, the Year 10 Pastoral Team are committed to supporting both the well-being and academic progress of each individual in Year 10.



The Pastoral Team for Year 10 is:


Mrs S Forde - Head of Year


Form Tutors:

  • Mrs A Perret Hall (10APL)

  • Miss J Lucas (10JLS)

  • Mrs C McArdle (10NBY)

  • Ms S Beeley (10SBY)

  • Mr L Gregory (10LGY)

  • Mr A McHugh (10AMH)


Year 10 Form Tutors are your first point of contact with school, regarding pastoral and progress issues.


          RE independent learning schedule


Revision Guidance (PDF)


Our CHEMISTRY BLOG is available for Year 10 core studying C1 and C2


Year 10 Study And Revision Club


In Year 10 we will monitor pupils who need extra tuition to meet homework deadlines, and they will be invited to attend our study club.


Study Club runs every Tuesday 3.10pm – 4.00pm and will give your child an opportunity to focus on their independent learning in different subject areas, in particular we will be focusing on revision techniques.


You can find our more important information at our Year 10 Induction Evening;


  • Year 10 Parents Information 

  • What’s your learning style?

  • Why don’t you try

  • Well-being leaflet


If you have any further questions or queries please contact the school on the above telephone number.

© 2024 by St Damian's R.C Science College

Telephone: 0161 330 5974

Lees Road, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancashire


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